At Southwell we have been serving our customers with reliable, long-lasting products for over forty years. Our Automatic Liquid Samplers are the industry's finest for dependability, durability, and accuracy. Our vacuum technology is EPA-recognized as industry-leading for reliability and accuracy, and our shop is CSA-certified. Southwell's range of samplers are based on the original manufacturing design of Sirco Products Ltd., Canada for the North American market.
As of 2004 Southwell has a NEW OWNER, Rick van Rikxoort, who has introduced major improvements and upgrades. In 2005 the New Series 4000 Samplers were introduced, and we believe they are so reliable that we've increased the warranty to TWO YEARS! Under Rick's new leadership, we have developed a new vision, mission, and values.
To provide solutions and world class products for the betterment of industry, the environment and community.
Selling structural/mechanical/instrumentation products and valued services to industry and into our communities through a committed sales and fabrication team.
1. Integrity
We do the right thing even when no one is watching us.
2. Client Care and Service
Always be of value to our clients and community.
3. Quality and Innovation
We will provide superior products, technology and services.
4. Accountability and Ownership
We will do what it takes to get the job done.
5. Support and Teamwork
We build mutually beneficial relationships with our customers, partners, vendors and one another.